I don't have the attributions for where this comes from but it works perfectly for me.
Include this code in your main template file, so it gets run every time.
PseudoCode: If we're on a development server, re-compile the css.
// Auto versioning using PHP, only when on localhost and debugging
if ($this->debug) {
auto_compile_less($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/css/less/style.less', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/css/styleCompiled.css');
This is the code for the autoCompileLess.php. It checks a cache file, and if that file is newer than my main LessCSS file it'll use the cache rather than re-compiling.
PseudoCode: Check the modified times of the cached compiled css, and if that is newer than the main less css file use the cache. Otherwise recompile all the less.
require 'lessc.inc.php';
function auto_compile_less($less_fname, $css_fname) {
$cache = $less_fname;
// We may want to load from the cache
$cache_fname = $less_fname.".cache";
if (file_exists($cache_fname)) {
// Use the cache if the filetime is newer
$cacheTime = filemtime($cache_fname);
$fileTime = filemtime($less_fname);
// If I managed to read both and the cache is still relevant, use it
if ($cacheTime && $fileTime && $fileTime < $cacheTime) {
$cache = unserialize(file_get_contents($cache_fname));
$new_cache = lessc::cexecute($cache);
if (!is_array($cache) || $new_cache['updated'] > $cache['updated']) {
file_put_contents($css_fname, $new_cache['compiled']);
file_put_contents($cache_fname, serialize($new_cache));
A bit of googling should get you all the necessary files you need. Perhaps this site, http://leafo.net/lessphp/, would be a good place to start.
Happy coding!